NEPA, SEPA and Environmental Impact Assessments

20 August, 2018/ Baton Rouge, Mississippi River Horace Wilkinson Bridge, Louisiana, USA/ Cars passing on a large high bridge on the river.

Your Trusted Partner for Comprehensive Environmental Assessments

ECS specializes in delivering detailed Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and compliant environmental documents under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of environmental regulations and guiding your project to meet federal, state and local requirements.


ECS specializes in delivering detailed Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and compliant environmental documents under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of environmental regulations and guiding your project to meet federal, state and local requirements.


20 August, 2018/ Baton Rouge, Mississippi River Horace Wilkinson Bridge, Louisiana, USA/ Cars passing on a large high bridge on the river.

Why ECS for NEPA, SEPA and EIA services

With years of experience in NEPA, SEPA and EIA processes, ECS provides meticulous and compliant environmental assessments. Our deep understanding of Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and NEPA/SEPA guidelines keeps your project aligned with legal requirements. We have well-established relationships with regulatory agencies that support our ability to offer legally sound, defensible NEPA/SEPA documents on time and within budget.

Our team is well-versed in NEPA, SEPA and EIA administration, management, public involvement and resource agency coordination requirements. In addition to our rigorous technical study and document-preparation capabilities, ECS has processes in place to verify that the NEPA/SEPA administrative record is documented efficiently and effectively with an extensive, logical and searchable file structure.


Our detailed list of NEPA, SEPA and EIA services includes:

  • Scoping plans and implementation
  • Design and implementation of baseline studies
  • Interagency coordination and consultation
  • Public comment inventory, comment response and integration
  • Public notice issuance
  • Alternatives development and analysis
  • Public meetings and presentation support
  • Impact analysis
  • Study plans preparation
  • Biological resource investigations
  • Mitigation strategies
  • Historical, demographic and ethnographic
  • Monitoring plans
  • Literature reviews and data collection
  • Environmental Assessments (EA)
  • Administrative record-keeping
  • Conducting public involvement processes and coordinating with federal, state and local agencies
  • Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC)


Our team tailors services to meet your project’s specific needs, resulting in efficient and effective assessments.


What is NEPA?

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The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 mandates federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. In addition, many states have enacted local adaptations of NEPA, generally referred to as SEPA. These require the preparation of detailed statements assessing the environmental impact and alternatives of proposed actions, as specified under Title I of the Act.


What is an EIA?

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An environmental impact assessment is used to evaluate the environmental consequences of a proposed project or development. This assessment sees that potential environmental impacts are identified, predicted, evaluated and mitigated before decisions are made and before projects are carried out. For international projects, the EIA is a key component due to the complexity and scale of potential impacts that can cross national borders.

ECS is well-versed in the EIA requirements of the US and various countries and can support projects around the globe.

Why ECS for NEPA, SEPA and EIA services

With years of experience in NEPA, SEPA and EIA processes, ECS provides meticulous and compliant environmental assessments. Our deep understanding of Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and NEPA/SEPA guidelines keeps your project aligned with legal requirements. We have well-established relationships with regulatory agencies that support our ability to offer legally sound, defensible NEPA/SEPA documents on time and within budget.

Our team is well-versed in NEPA, SEPA and EIA administration, management, public involvement and resource agency coordination requirements. In addition to our rigorous technical study and document-preparation capabilities, ECS has processes in place to verify that the NEPA/SEPA administrative record is documented efficiently and effectively with an extensive, logical and searchable file structure.


Our detailed list of NEPA, SEPA and EIA services includes:

  • Scoping plans and implementation
  • Design and implementation of baseline studies
  • Interagency coordination and consultation
  • Public comment inventory, comment response and integration
  • Public notice issuance
  • Alternatives development and analysis
  • Public meetings and presentation support
  • Impact analysis
  • Study plans preparation
  • Biological resource investigations
  • Mitigation strategies
  • Historical, demographic and ethnographic
  • Monitoring plans
  • Literature reviews and data collection
  • Environmental Assessments (EA)
  • Administrative record-keeping
  • Conducting public involvement processes and coordinating with federal, state and local agencies
  • Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC)


Our team tailors services to meet your project’s specific needs, resulting in efficient and effective assessments.


What is NEPA?

VDOT Wetlands 0593

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 mandates federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. In addition, many states have enacted local adaptations of NEPA, generally referred to as SEPA. These require the preparation of detailed statements assessing the environmental impact and alternatives of proposed actions, as specified under Title I of the Act.


What is an EIA?

D6 12 GreatBridgeUMC 001

An environmental impact assessment is used to evaluate the environmental consequences of a proposed project or development. This assessment sees that potential environmental impacts are identified, predicted, evaluated and mitigated before decisions are made and before projects are carried out. For international projects, the EIA is a key component due to the complexity and scale of potential impacts that can cross national borders.

ECS is well-versed in the EIA requirements of the US and various countries and can support projects around the globe.

Photo of VDOT Wetlands. View of the under side of a large concrete beam bridge with rocks, gravel and standing water underneath. A man walks facing away from the camera wearing a hard hat and neon vest with the ECS logo on it.

ECS delivers detailed environmental assessments, guiding your project through compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Our NEPA/SEPA expertise makes sure your project meets the necessary environmental standards.

ECS delivers detailed environmental assessments, guiding your project through compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Our NEPA/SEPA expertise makes sure your project meets the necessary environmental standards.